The mortgage crises, inflation, high gas prices, mass unemployment, bankrupt companies, Americans expect their elected representative to dream up some incredible life saving program or deal that will dump their credit and worries goodbye. Well in fact it’s just another excuse for a power grab, and gives authority & a reason for the Fed to keep on printing more money into the economy, and that it will magically bail out starving corporations. Our system of credit expansion, printing more money, taxing, America is in her downfall and the only money we expect to keep us going is foreign investors, and other countries to keep on buying American dollars. Just look around America and see if were not in a Depression, take for instance the closing plants, Michigan’s closing assembly lines, American airlines cuts 6800 jobs last week, Starbuck’s announces 600 stores closed, 370,000 jobs lost in a 4year radius in California, and even America’s teenagers work declines for them 18percent this summer in the entire country also associated with the strict labor laws. Americans still don’t understand enough that the numbers reported to us from government census on interest rates, unemployment, and inflation are totally fixed made up numbers the Feds devise, and coax the people into a mindset of safety and security so there’s no uprising.
The major causes of economic decline is first our monetary policy such as the Federal Reserve, Nixon taking us off the gold standard, Clinton’s NAFTA, our congress spending way to much, printing more money into the economy, Foreign Policy, and the more our politicians promise people there wants, and so called programs there’s always more money required. Our so called entitlements such as welfare, social security, Federal & state Healthcare, and a myriad of other things that the people & special interest groups want, runs up incredible debts, and puts heavier taxes upon the American people. People who really care about the poor & middle class should look more at our monetary policy, slash programs drastically, congress spending, and especially look towards abolishing the the centralized illegal bank, the Federal Reserve, which only devalues our currency and racks up a credit debt. America, if not it’s citizens itself are living way beyond their means especially with their foreign policy which so many people advocate yet it’s absolutely insane, to think we can maintain our imperialist empire with rampant illegal immigration, over spending, shipping manufacturing jobs, more printing, annexing countries with major recourses using military means, it’s using Mussolini’s fascist policy.
The very meaning of freedom, equality, and liberty depend upon the people’s knowledge that government has no right to be in our lives. Equality means no special interest groups, no lobbyists, no welfare, no special government benefits, no handouts, weather your black, white, Latino, Asian or whatever, you work your way in life fairly like every other man REGARDLESS! The more we look to government intervention in social & economic problems lets the centralized government annex more power everyday, and the more power we hand over them we put ourselves into unending servitude. To have a fair economic environment we need free enterprise, no government intervention, a stable currency back by gold & silver, lessen these ridiculous labor laws for our youth, a stable Tariff, and at the same time be open to trading with free markets around the world.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
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