Thursday, October 16, 2008

A median view of America.

America's description: Hollywood, constant party, big porn industry, NFL, Apple bus, Wal-Mart, Jeep, MSNBC, CNN, McDonalds, star gossip, the Enquirer, parade magazine, Time magazine, Budweiser, and brainless stupid Americans who can't even point to their country on a map. As you can see from this description Americas glory days are long dead, were on big shopping mall, and about the only political people their in this country are dumbass rednecks & hippies who have no idea what their doing. Americans are constantly comforted by the fact they will never run out of money, they'll always buy more stuff; they can buy the six packs, go work out at the gym, and go to a night club every weekend. It's by these distractions & goodies the government feeds us that their able to do as they please in the world without anybody knowing. We don't care about our past, nor politics, nor taxes imposed on us, or the wars we have to go off to fight, what matters to us is that we live in peace and we have plenty of entertainment every night so we don't worry. But thanks to an ever growing free press in the world news is getting leaked out all over the world, and many people are taken aback by it.

Of course of Conservatives & Liberals will deny such allegations and will throw their propaganda & promises (lies) in your face. And if you strike at the heart of the lion who will only make even more angry, and then your a suspicious target and possible terrorist. From there you will be made example of and seen as unpatriotic & a traitor to your country, and your against of what America stands for. It's just history repeating itself all over again. Only time & hard learning will America finally realize its dirty secrets and the mistakes it made in the past, and we might see possible retribution to repressed countries.

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