George Bush is accused of breaking the rules of the Geneva convention, the slaughter of millions of Iraqis, torturing innocent men, depriving men, women, and children of basic living necessities, along with disruption of civilized order & repressing god given rights of Iraqi citizens. His legacy will be left in the halls of the tyrants along with, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Alexander the Great, Nero, Attila the Hun, and the others who have eradicated established orders, shattered long peaceful societies, slaughtered millions in there quest for blood, power, money, and complete dominant order for their empires. Their impudence, their pride, power, riches, and lack of knowledge in all departments of government all attributed to their bitter, hard, and fast downfalls with being blinded by their power. Men’s greatness is not measured by their military might, hate, and blood lust, but by their noble, non intervention, and novel ideals of leaving there people alone to deal in their own matters. Peoples major events in their lives should not be decided by the high authority ruled by men, nor will they help you to better yourself, but only tarnish you, take from you, deprive you of every freedom you posses, and they will come like a thief in the night and take all you have away from you. Bush has shown every example of how he’s become a dictator, overstepping his rule, signing the military commissions act 2006, instituting presidential order 51 which gives him all executive branch powers, his radical statements of his so called entitlements , his interventionist foreign policy, and his violent plundering on the nations of Iraq & Afghanistan. As his reign will end with Bush the Tyrant, the next will end with the Obama the terrible, or McCain.
No matter what a man’s convections are, principles, ideals, hopes, aspirations, or plan is, it’s to dangerous to leave so much power into any one mans hands. Even the best of men can be easily corrupted by power given to them by lesser men. Anarchy & a Republic are the only means of constant prosperity, peace, love, and spread charity to all our fellow man.
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