Saturday, October 18, 2008

Movies, freedom, and free will.

You know being a big movie buff myself I could go for an action flick anytime of the day such as Indiana Jones, Die Hard, and V for Vendetta, Fight Club, Lord of War, or a John Wayne movie. But you get to thinking after a while and you say to yourself “is this a waste of my time? Young men dream of being tough guys like John Wayne, a cool businessman like Cage, a kick ass cop like McClain, or are a freedom fighter likes V. Well we won’t cause our rulers, teachers, elders, and Bureaucrats tell us where our place in life is, and how we run it, what we say, what we do, and they incite a message in our heads that says “your free to choose in OUR boundary of rules as long as you don’t choose your own set”. The thought of Uncle Sam seems fascist since were viewed as a tough man who kicks stinkers off the earth such as Hitler, Terrorists, and several other dictators who we put into power in the first place.

It’s a Broadway show with making friends in the beginning and later back stabbing them, and taking everything they have. And in order for them( US go) to have faithful followers they must have reasons and striking images of past glory to attract adventure sackers, and down on luck men who have nothing to be proud of in life. That’s where all the medals, flags, honor, big guns, and Hollywood movies come in to give the common man a sense of purpose, adventure, fame, glory, and

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