Sunday, October 19, 2008

Caesar, King Louis IX, King Richard, Napoleon, British, and Bush

Caesars Legionnaires, Richards crusaders, Napoleon Grenadiers, His Majesty’s soldiers, and now President Bush’s US marines invading the peoples of the middle east. What do they have in common? They all lost the wars, occupations, and colonization of the middle east which ended up inciting long hatred towards the west, disrupting civil order, causing considerable collateral damage, and expressing western foreign policy on the middle eastern countries. We could take incredible examples such as, Napoleon invading Egypt to disrupt British trade roots, Caesars annexation of Iraq to his empire, Richard & Louis plundering Jerusalem, Queen Victoria preserving cotton resources in Sudan, and now Bush’s war over the most precious & lucrative resource in the world…Oil. Only fear, anguish, and pain will come out of this conflict with a deep sadness that can never be taken way, and are debt along with the loss of Americas finest men & women who gave there lives for the ultimate sacrifice, along with their blood on the Federal governments hands. Our perversion on people of the middle east will not prevail, nor can we impose our will upon, they will defy us on their own will, and inevitably the balance of power will be shifted. America is the source of her own downfall, a consuming but non producing nation, a child like dependent nation, mindless in it’s acts, and it’s shattering reputation across the world. Freedom & Liberty specifies that it is not a vanquisher of evil, nor an enforcer of justice upon it’s counterparts, but it is merely to be a provider and guide to a better life, basic civil liberties, and preserving equality for everyman. But an ideal many Americans are to dumb to know is that Democracy does not give freedoms to third world peoples, but only enslaves them into bondage by the majority.

Only a Republic has stood the test of time, been the best principled government, and never ever suspended liberties in the name of safety, security, order, and most of all peace.

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