Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I feel disgusted with America

This land is living in a fairy tale if not asleep in a deep dream coaxed into believing all what were told and everything will be alright. The very ideal of government is purely evil in my point of view; they are the very personification of evil, dictating their conduct of rule & law upon masses of people who do not even want to be subjected to their rule. Politicians are filled with empty phrases, lies, and deceitful promises all in the name of liberty, freedom, and justice for all who in fact are living under a banner (the American flag) that symbolizes the foundation Nationalist Socialism such as conscription, National Service, Abortion, privatized banking, over regulated business, controlled media, special interest groups, forced ideals in schools, pledge of allegiance, Social security, secret prisons, and all done in the name of freedom, democracy, liberty, and equality.

Government is merely here only for our monetary system & defense. People are blind, arrogant, and foolish to think we are here on this earth to serve, love, know, and think our nation can do no wrong in its decisions & matters of state. Nothing! Is a matter to the state, only social affairs should be delt by the people themselves or in a small city state.

We live in a country full of degenerates, meek, spoiled, brainwashed, and non caring Americans who expect way too much coming at them in life, and they will have to learn that they can only help themselves. We are treated like children and told that it’s for the safety, security, or protection for our families and the well being of prosperity. The men, women, and children in America are blinded by propaganda, lies, flags, medals, movies, ribbons, music, games, parades, and old faded glory that’s long pasted into the abyss. Are image is tarnished forever, and we can expect nothing to get better, and no thanks to all the people in Washington who have tacked taxes on our backs

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