Thursday, October 16, 2008

America's Socialist Path

The problem with the presidency is that it has been personified, molded, and been made out to be the most significant position of government governing, judicial, executive, and legislative branch spreading immense influence & pressure throughout government. Somewhere in my perceptive we see great hope fullness along with strong belief in government starting in the 1930’s, during the trying times of the Great Depression, when Herbert Hoover was immensely unpopular with the general public. The contingences that ailed the country during the time of great peril to this day is not formally or have been properly addressed to the American people, which created wandering doubt, miss belief in Wall Street, and weakened the peoples political support for elected officials of government. Who could the people blame, the government had involved us into one of the bloodiest, expensive, an expanse in military production , weaponry, and not to include the creation of the Federal Reserve which gave our monetary system entirely to business moguls who were given limitless power on their printing. Here the abomination socialism is born and is spread across Europe as a untied, strong, and under one banner pressing all into social unity striving into the future. Socialism is founded on Napoleons civil code, the creation of Germany in 1871, and is very much emphasized by the infamous Karl Marx condemning individual freedom, religion, and speech forever. Roosevelt did nothing exteordinary to pull us out of the depression, he tampered with corporations profits, manufacturing, fixed prices, nationalized industry, raised taxes for government subsides & borrowed considerable amounts from the Federal Reserve to come through with Government security programs. History will give us enormous insight on what is plaguing our nations economy, why is it expensive, the cost of running business, and why are we failing against third world over seas markets. In my true to my convictions that Roosevelt suspending the gold trade was a mistake, it took value away from people greenbacks, it was not financially stable, world war 2 gave us immense debt, and the Nelson & bitterman act wasn’t going to be enough to liquidate the central banking system.

Coming up to today’s events the view is anything can happen any time of the day, we recently faced threat of Martial Law if the bailout was not passed, Obama is calling for major American corporations to be Nationalized along with proposed invasion of Pakistan, taxed internet & phone service is in the works, the passing of the Military Commissions Act, Presidential directive order 51, we have 737 military bases established around the world not to include the missile defense systems installed around the so called Axis of evil. The seeds of long deception, distracting domestic issues, hard planning, military building, are all paying off at the expenditure of the stupidity & money of the American people.

Are social institutions benefiting minority groups, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and blacks drain our Nations wealth on senseless bureaucratic agencies that find a excuse to flush more money out of the system into their pockets. There is nothing new to be found in our profound candidates anymore, they promised the exact same policies & promises the ones before them, and they to not posses the capacity to make such radical decisions for in fear of being banned from their parties. All sense of reality, moral reasoning, proper judgment, and common sense are no longer part of American politics, it’s just the grand show that plays every 4 years, and after that were on to the next Joker.

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