Sunday, October 26, 2008

A philosophy on American society.

Well it's been a hard hitting, political, messed up, lambasting presidential race out their with the usual elements such as, the blame game, eccentric rhetoric, propaganda symbols everywhere, fear being mongered, and an ever so diligent campaigns being watched to win the seat of power. People are even starting to have doubts about the magnificent American government anymore wondering, is the Federal government stretched to thin, are we increasingly becoming socialist, has the State exceted it's powers, and how to we become such goose stepping, perfect healthy human beings subject to governments feelings. Government is personified to be a solver of all problems, a judge at the head, the one who is not be defied or questioned by. For by the people & only by their works they exerted authority to a higher organization of a ruling body seeing fit to take any measures against all evil doers. Already apocalyptic signs are spreading through out America warning of great natural disasters, wars looming on the horizon, radical politicians spreading fear & doubt, mass worldwide financial debt, the white man's burden deepening, states plagued by degradation, central banks benefiting, and once the masters of the world being decived by false saviors who monger words of hope to the greatest nation on the earth. The annuls of history are opening up and spilling out the worst of tales, ones that we see ourselves becoming, ones that were never to be repeated, and now the monsters who control the strings of higher power break out of their cages seeking to devour all who defy them. An illusion of freedom is cast over us by our protectors who do all in their power to see over our safety & security, but only trapping us like a child in his room, never being able to take risks. Americans by their life style, the creation of a central bank with unlimited money supply, American propaganda, fast food, pampered life style, government social welfare, advancement of colored races, womens institutions, sexual harrasment laws, restrictions of drugs, and perfect so called healthy life still, socialized by government, and making every citizen seem fit in their eyes. The perfect American, a mere dependent child of the state.

Massive Kosher Slaughterhouse Raid Saves Tax Payers Millions

Postville Raid Cost $6 Million But Saved Much More

By Roy Beck

Anti-enforcement entities are crowing about estimates that the raid on the Postville, Iowa meatpacking plant cost more than $6 million thus far to deal with only 389 suspected illegal aliens. And that does sound like a lot. But my rough calculations suggest that if all 389 are deported, taxpayers are likely to save nearly $8 million in the first year alone.

Iowa newspapers’ keen interest in the cost is an appropriate inquiry, although the tone of the coverage seems to suggest that $6 million is an outrageously high price for such a small number of illegal aliens out of the estimated 7 million who are working illegally in the United States.

Of course, high-profile enforcement actions like this one are not designed primarily to reap direct financial benefits. Their main purpose is to frighten thousands of other employers from violating immigration laws.

And their second purpose is to make seeking illegal jobs less attractive for foreign nationals.

For laws to be massively obeyed, there has to be a reasonable chance that people (or corporations) may pay dearly for breaking the law. Rarely does the prosecution of any kind of corporate wrong-doing produce more direct society financial benefit than the cost of the prosecution. The point is to whip other corporations into lawful activity.

Nonetheless, when I put the pen to the paper, it looks like this expensive Postville raid will have directly paid for itself in less than a year.

Robert Rector at the Heritage Foundation has done the most exhaustive study ever of the total taxes paid by less-educated foreign workers and of the total amount of government services they consume. He found that the average household headed by the typical less-educated foreign worker costs taxpayers about $20,000 more in services than it pays in taxes each year.

So, $20,000 times 389 is $7.78 million net cost to fed, state and local governments for every year those workers remain in the United States.

Remove those 389 illegal workers and their families and you have nearly $8 million in total taxpayer savings in the first year alone! And you save another $8 million for every year that those deported workers stay out of the country and if the Postville jobs don’t later go to new illegal aliens.

Already, 302 of those detained have been convicted of criminal wrongdoing. If only those are deported, the saving the first year would be around $6 million.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why we are falling in our economic problem.

Why we are falling

Worse news come this morning as the 500 points this morning, along with world markets loosing 5% in value in stocks. Lehman Brothers where not bailed out, The Fed Reserve being issued emergency powers, stocks freefalling, rising interest rates, toxic debt adding up, US Gov fixing commodity prices, and a US dollar taking it's last breathes, gaining strength against the Euro. Explanations for beating the Euro, major cause is the passing of the bailout, socialized labor unions, less tax rates than Europe, and America instituting tax breaks. But as long as that money lasts in US industry, the financial sector & Auto, we are heading for an absolute downfall with lack of faith in people, a decrease of value in the dollar, US corporations take out their assets overseas, The 9trillion dollar debt increase more, Federal income tax increase, and US companies invest in the Yen, Aussie Dollar, and ship their operations overseas. The government blames good old Wall Street, cheating people out of their money, devising money making scams, taking more shares than their suppose to, and mainly the Feds fingers pointing to them. Personally, corruption does exist, but maybe some long time shareholders, CEO's, and bank managers have developed the foresight of seeing where this Economy is heading in the future. And have learned the horrifying truth on what is done inside the Federal Reserve, our long term trade agreements with China, The Congressional spending, and most of all the peoples ideology of a careless free life. Our economic aid checks to third world countries, politicians promising people more programs & spending on social issues, careless congressional spending, increased involvement in foreign conflicts, increased loans & magical company credit, and significantly the build up of our military complex. Promised socialized welfare, our foreign imperialist policy, the actions of the Federal Reserve, the United States military, and the immense greed in congressional & senate committees, which have accumulated the powers of the Roman senate, and built up their Swiss bank accounts over the last 30 years. Morality, good, fairness, are wolves behind sheep's clothing, the people of the United States can no longer understand the true meaning of freedom, when absolutely nothing is socialized, minority groups served, and special interests are served. In a society the people when in the creation of a government exist with two options, with capitalism, a republic, no socialized institutions, and peoples of race, origin, religions, not categorized, crime can spread cause of freedoms. Or in a government society, you do not question, everybody has a specific code to follow by, obey & give total consent to what the Order deems necessary, conventions & institutions created to serve all ethicizes, religions, and both sex's. Yet what the difference between a Congressman & a Mafia boss? They both have evil intentions, but the Congressman is the wolf in sheep's clothing, and promises you everything, gives nothing, and takes everything.
Honestly, what's the difference between government & criminal institutions? Two groups, two different disguises

Friday, October 24, 2008

Joe 'scared for America' after talking to Obama

Joe the Plumber all but came out of the water closet for Sen. John McCain on Friday, saying that his famous exchange with Sen. Barack Obama made him "scared for America" and that he doesn't trust the Democratic presidential candidate on taxes.

The plumber, aka Joe Wurzelbacher, burst into the headlines after he buttonholed Mr. Obama less than two weeks ago during a campaign stop in his Holland, Ohio, neighborhood and quizzed him about his tax policy. On Friday, he said that he wasn't impressed by the Illinois senator in their encounter.

"When I was face to face with him, my honest first impression was that I expected something more. I had heard so much about 'his presence' in the media that I was surprised to find that he seemed very average," Mr. Wurzelbacher wrote in a live online chat on (read the transcript with Mr. Wurzelbacher here).

"My gut feeling as he answered my questions? I was scared for America," he wrote in response to a reader who asked "When you were face to face with Obama, what were you thinking and how did it feel?"

Mr. Wurzelbacher, arguably the world's most famous plumber, has become a cornerstone of Mr. McCain's Republican campaign, which had embarked on a statewide blitz across Florida in a series of "Joe the Plumber" events aimed at blue-collar workers.


• Bias against Republicans present in last four elections

• WESLEY PRUDEN: Good old Joe Biden lifts the curtain

• McCain visits wayward '04 Bush states

On the campaign circuit Friday, the nominee repeatedly cited Joe the Plumber, telling supporters that if Mr. Obama is elected, the middle class is "going to be put through the wringer."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I feel disgusted with America

This land is living in a fairy tale if not asleep in a deep dream coaxed into believing all what were told and everything will be alright. The very ideal of government is purely evil in my point of view; they are the very personification of evil, dictating their conduct of rule & law upon masses of people who do not even want to be subjected to their rule. Politicians are filled with empty phrases, lies, and deceitful promises all in the name of liberty, freedom, and justice for all who in fact are living under a banner (the American flag) that symbolizes the foundation Nationalist Socialism such as conscription, National Service, Abortion, privatized banking, over regulated business, controlled media, special interest groups, forced ideals in schools, pledge of allegiance, Social security, secret prisons, and all done in the name of freedom, democracy, liberty, and equality.

Government is merely here only for our monetary system & defense. People are blind, arrogant, and foolish to think we are here on this earth to serve, love, know, and think our nation can do no wrong in its decisions & matters of state. Nothing! Is a matter to the state, only social affairs should be delt by the people themselves or in a small city state.

We live in a country full of degenerates, meek, spoiled, brainwashed, and non caring Americans who expect way too much coming at them in life, and they will have to learn that they can only help themselves. We are treated like children and told that it’s for the safety, security, or protection for our families and the well being of prosperity. The men, women, and children in America are blinded by propaganda, lies, flags, medals, movies, ribbons, music, games, parades, and old faded glory that’s long pasted into the abyss. Are image is tarnished forever, and we can expect nothing to get better, and no thanks to all the people in Washington who have tacked taxes on our backs

India launches first Moon mission

India has successfully launched its first mission to the Moon.

The unmanned Chandrayaan 1 spacecraft blasted off smoothly from a launch pad in southern Andhra Pradesh to embark on a two-year mission of exploration.

The robotic probe will orbit the Moon, compiling a 3-D atlas of the lunar surface and mapping the distribution of elements and minerals.

The launch is regarded as a major step for India as it seeks to keep pace with other space-faring nations in Asia.

It was greeted with applause by scientists gathered at the site.

The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says there has been a lot of excitement about the event, which was broadcast live on national TV.

Competitive mission

An Indian-built launcher carrying the one-and-a-half-tonne satellite blasted off from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota at about 0620 local time (0050 GMT).

One key objective will be to search for surface or sub-surface water-ice on the Moon, especially at the poles.

Another will be to detect Helium 3, an isotope which is rare on Earth, but is sought to power nuclear fusion and could be a valuable source of energy in future.

Powered by a single solar panel generating about 700 Watts, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) probe carries five Indian-built instruments and six that are foreign-built.

The mission is expected to cost 3.8bn rupees (£45m; $78m).

The Indian experiments include a 30kg probe that will be released from the mothership to slam into the lunar surface.

The Moon Impact Probe (MIP) will record video footage on the way down and measure the composition of the Moon's tenuous atmosphere.

"Chandrayaan has a very competitive set of instruments... it will certainly do good science," said Barry Kellett, project scientist on the C1XS instrument, which was built at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory in the UK.

C1XS will map the abundance of different elements in the lunar crust to help answer key questions about the origin and evolution of Earth's only natural satellite.

Researchers say the relative abundances of magnesium and iron in lunar rocks could help confirm whether the Moon was once covered by a molten, magma ocean.

"The iron should have sunk [in the magma ocean], whereas the magnesium should have floated," Mr Kellett told BBC News.

"The ratio of magnesium to iron for the whole Moon tells you to what extent the Moon melted and what it did after it formed."

The instrument will look for more unusual elements on the Moon's surface, such as titanium. This metallic element has been found in lunar meteorites, but scientists know little about its distribution in the lunar crust.

Chandrayaan will also investigate the differences between the Moon's near side and its far side. The far side is both more heavily cratered and different in composition to the one facing Earth.

In the name of Democracy & good business.

America should be defined as an aristocracy, imperial, and expanding empire with spreading influence over its neighboring countries. I think we are a nation of war mongers who are leading us to our very own destruction, and we as a nation our leading the people to their own demise. If we are the almighty super power we all think we are, then how come can’t we stop these so called terrorists (freedom fighters) from performing their terror acts. Our American business is failing, and even our military is collapsing in the face of our dollar, with the effect of the printing press, The Fed Reserve, and acts committed by Clinton & Nixon. Our dollar is dwindling & loosing its purchasing power everyday, our jobs exported overseas, and many American companies shipping jobs & assets overseas. America is being ripped apart into pieces, and it’ s power is dwindling it’s along with its countries wealth being sold to the highest bidder overseas. Our entitlements, welfare, social security, and taxes played a huge part in tearing us down, and in the midst of it we turned to our government for safety, but all we had to do are surrender our free will. Yet we demean the very meaning of freedom, equality, and liberty itself with Social security, Medicaid, welfare, NNACP, Homeland security, and dividend checks that supply our wants not our needs. Their great spider webs that coax us into a nice easy ride in life, and all you have to do simply sign a 1000 page government form that secretly denies you your freedoms as a human being!

War is one hell of a profitable business, and that’s why the aristocrats go look for a dumb ass that is stupid enough to do what they tell him. It’s just history repeating itself again with the consequences getting worse and are image even being tarnished even more. We don’t go to war for revenge, or after terrorists, and certainly not to defend the people of the United States, we go out their to expand our imperialist empire & its policies. Democracy (The American Empire) will only be able to churn its war machine for about at least another 4 years with the burden of gas prices, angry soldiers, and the coming depression that will bring America to a grinding halt.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stiching Americas Financial problems.

The mortgage crises, inflation, high gas prices, mass unemployment, bankrupt companies, Americans expect their elected representative to dream up some incredible life saving program or deal that will dump their credit and worries goodbye. Well in fact it’s just another excuse for a power grab, and gives authority & a reason for the Fed to keep on printing more money into the economy, and that it will magically bail out starving corporations. Our system of credit expansion, printing more money, taxing, America is in her downfall and the only money we expect to keep us going is foreign investors, and other countries to keep on buying American dollars. Just look around America and see if were not in a Depression, take for instance the closing plants, Michigan’s closing assembly lines, American airlines cuts 6800 jobs last week, Starbuck’s announces 600 stores closed, 370,000 jobs lost in a 4year radius in California, and even America’s teenagers work declines for them 18percent this summer in the entire country also associated with the strict labor laws. Americans still don’t understand enough that the numbers reported to us from government census on interest rates, unemployment, and inflation are totally fixed made up numbers the Feds devise, and coax the people into a mindset of safety and security so there’s no uprising.

The major causes of economic decline is first our monetary policy such as the Federal Reserve, Nixon taking us off the gold standard, Clinton’s NAFTA, our congress spending way to much, printing more money into the economy, Foreign Policy, and the more our politicians promise people there wants, and so called programs there’s always more money required. Our so called entitlements such as welfare, social security, Federal & state Healthcare, and a myriad of other things that the people & special interest groups want, runs up incredible debts, and puts heavier taxes upon the American people. People who really care about the poor & middle class should look more at our monetary policy, slash programs drastically, congress spending, and especially look towards abolishing the the centralized illegal bank, the Federal Reserve, which only devalues our currency and racks up a credit debt. America, if not it’s citizens itself are living way beyond their means especially with their foreign policy which so many people advocate yet it’s absolutely insane, to think we can maintain our imperialist empire with rampant illegal immigration, over spending, shipping manufacturing jobs, more printing, annexing countries with major recourses using military means, it’s using Mussolini’s fascist policy.

The very meaning of freedom, equality, and liberty depend upon the people’s knowledge that government has no right to be in our lives. Equality means no special interest groups, no lobbyists, no welfare, no special government benefits, no handouts, weather your black, white, Latino, Asian or whatever, you work your way in life fairly like every other man REGARDLESS! The more we look to government intervention in social & economic problems lets the centralized government annex more power everyday, and the more power we hand over them we put ourselves into unending servitude. To have a fair economic environment we need free enterprise, no government intervention, a stable currency back by gold & silver, lessen these ridiculous labor laws for our youth, a stable Tariff, and at the same time be open to trading with free markets around the world.

Good times & hard times, and what we can do about.

One day we will all loose the people we love weather it’s a wife, son, grandfather, or girlfriend but we always know that there in a better & safer place. But an even increasing fear is taking hold of Americans and is right on our doorstep financial loss, job loss, savings loss, and closed banks. Our ancestors went through the same thing and lived through it like a compelling drama story. Every American family had times when money was flowing good, dad had days off, mom was happy, money for fun activities, plenty of food, and lots of stuff for everybody to buy(cheap stuff). But we are to use to an ever lazy, stuck up, none caring lifestyle that must change with an oncoming horde of inflation, high gas & food prices, loss of purchasing power, decreasing jobs, and a tax burden that’s sinking us. We ultimately face two choices one be a slave to our job or perhaps work a second job, or be smart and quit our greedy wants and desires. We are facing interesting and terrifying times, but you can always improve your odds of making it in life. Here’s how
1. Big Corporations are distributing their jobs over to third world countries, and are exporting their labor out to Mexicans & Indians (India) for cheaper labor. The American man is diminishing from the scene, and the only opportunity lies over seas & self employment. The Computer is the new slave. Weather you graduated high school or college you can apply your knowledge to the internet and make great sites on job advice, country getaways, what to buy, history, school curriculum, or what you learned in school. The Internet is the future…
2. For families they must stop their gimme habit, and start being self sufficient & conserve money. For movies, music, & games you can get those all on the computer thanks to the help of piracy. Cut your kids dose on goodies & candies because it’s not worth getting medical bills over your kid’s health. Medical is rising in the US and it’s only getting more complicated & expensive. You put your kids on well healthy balanced diet, proper hygiene, and get on their case of brushing & flossing their teeth EVERY NIGHT!
3. Energy costs: 6 minute showers, planned car trips, use fluorescent light bulbs, use natural gas, ride your bike or walk, keep the thermostat(if you live in cold) at 75, switch to wood stove, wind, and solar power energy. Use power strips, unplug power cords when item is fully charged, either put computer to sleep or unplug all cords to outlet, and always unplug electronic items when not in use. And turn off a light when not in use!!!
4. No worries about books there are tons of E-Books online.
5. Today you can use (if in hot climate) recumbent battery bikes since being energy efficient, and incredibly cheap to use or motorcycles. And don’t fall into your gluten ways and only eat what you need.

Obama slams Mccain/Palin for distraction from the economy


Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

The Brat named the West.

When someone gets an idea, makes good use of it, and distributes it around,
People recognize this sensational idea and want to spread it around. In this case were talking about prepaid wireless, third world democracy, civil liberties, Coca Cola, Fast food chains, multi national Corporations, and one of the most infamous subjects instituting women’s rights in the east. One thing the western people lack is that the people of the east take great pride, abide, and take religion/politics with a serious attitude, and they never ever forget their history. Their undying love for their land, great pride in their religion, incredible preservationist, and a long lasting culture facing daily & widespread interferences across the entire middle east. Freedom means a people of a nation, culture, or society have the god given right to exclude or invite the ideals of western civilization into there daily lives weather it’s for their advancement in life, medical wise, or education & placing certain institutions in society which the west takes for granted. Technological advances in the world have made life certainly better, more fruitful, and made life what was once impossible now made easier than ever before. Whoever says we send troops around the world to keep peace needs their head check, cause there is no justification in forcing people into living like the west nor be in their country stealing their oil, and the people(American people)fail to bring up two words in the equation which is money, and power. Irrelevant of what kind of new security measure’s are brought in our society, it’s always only for the benefit of the established order, which will only conjure us into tales of villainy and absolute evil to put us at ease, and they make up the lie along the way. There is certainly a long history of quarreling between the West & the East on who gets what, occupying lands for resources, certainly religion, and as always the long quest for world domination & the destruction of basic freedoms. I would say it’s certainly safe to say that West has won that war, with it’s build up of arms, invention of the nuclear bomb, fast & mobile combat troops, laser guided missiles, huge naval fleets, and the influence of American culture on all the major nations of the world. There are two things all religion, political parties, and nations agree upon is that, do that all that you have promised to do, and the other not to invade on others personal matters. War is but the past now, yes there will always be war, but we can certainly take better measures to assure willingness between the west & the east to get along together in friendship, matters of commerce, and free market trading with nations of the world. We should but only extend and offer peace, trade, and a bitterness towards hostile actions against people of the world, their way of life, established societies, and not having to kill the innocent in our actions.

We destroy nations not in the name of liberty, freedom, and to solve the injustices brought upon third world countries. No it’s an excuse for a power grab, profits, resource sharing, constructing imperialism, and the in the after effect of its just terrible collateral damage.

Sure the bureaucrats, political activists, politicians, and the fervent obeying people will come back with friviles, petty, and mainstream ideas that are adamant to invite any other perspective in the situation. Americans subject themselves and feel obliged to the government when they think they owe them something, yet all the higher authority comes back at you with is, taking the fruits of your labor, enslaving you into military service, and the so called right and duty to have complete control over you for the good of the state.

Caesar, King Louis IX, King Richard, Napoleon, British, and Bush

Caesars Legionnaires, Richards crusaders, Napoleon Grenadiers, His Majesty’s soldiers, and now President Bush’s US marines invading the peoples of the middle east. What do they have in common? They all lost the wars, occupations, and colonization of the middle east which ended up inciting long hatred towards the west, disrupting civil order, causing considerable collateral damage, and expressing western foreign policy on the middle eastern countries. We could take incredible examples such as, Napoleon invading Egypt to disrupt British trade roots, Caesars annexation of Iraq to his empire, Richard & Louis plundering Jerusalem, Queen Victoria preserving cotton resources in Sudan, and now Bush’s war over the most precious & lucrative resource in the world…Oil. Only fear, anguish, and pain will come out of this conflict with a deep sadness that can never be taken way, and are debt along with the loss of Americas finest men & women who gave there lives for the ultimate sacrifice, along with their blood on the Federal governments hands. Our perversion on people of the middle east will not prevail, nor can we impose our will upon, they will defy us on their own will, and inevitably the balance of power will be shifted. America is the source of her own downfall, a consuming but non producing nation, a child like dependent nation, mindless in it’s acts, and it’s shattering reputation across the world. Freedom & Liberty specifies that it is not a vanquisher of evil, nor an enforcer of justice upon it’s counterparts, but it is merely to be a provider and guide to a better life, basic civil liberties, and preserving equality for everyman. But an ideal many Americans are to dumb to know is that Democracy does not give freedoms to third world peoples, but only enslaves them into bondage by the majority.

Only a Republic has stood the test of time, been the best principled government, and never ever suspended liberties in the name of safety, security, order, and most of all peace.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The factors that plauge Wall Street

October has been a shaky month for Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, The US Congress, and most of all the American people worrying if their going to loose their jobs. We see today congress cancellation of the 700 billion dollar bailout of all US banks, Auto industry, and major American based companies including a 777.68 points dropped on the Dow Jones. Can we expect any good to come from our leaders in government? A logical conclusion is, most likely not. Either way bailing out banks, companies, or US debts, we face, mass unemployment, increasing National debt, increasing interest rates, massive decrease of credit, de valuing the US dollar, and more US companies being sold to Foreign Industries. Even when long time American companies that are still persisting, minimally increasing stock price, upholding stable company credit, increased company value, and rarely still having high employment rates. Nobody thinks whether it's old sold out dead US Companies, that company operations are sold out to booming foreign corporations, major assist's taken by the Fed or bought out by buy Foreign buyers, or strictly regulated companies that rely on Foreign funds to keep running. A scarier proposition proposed by Obama was, Capitalism is failing our country and the time is right for more Nationalization of Companies, and our reliance on the Federal Reserve, it's Hitler's policies being echoed from the past. A basic simple view every American could expect is, our economy will rapidly decline, with former US companies operations being sold out to Foreign companies, immense decrease of credit in fiscal companies & loans, jacked up interest rates, a spike in commodity prices, 150$ per barrel of oil, and taxes rates the likes which we have never seen before, due to, inflation, uncontrolled spending, and slowly paying off the 9 trillion dollar debt. Industry will essential y eat each other to pieces, company value ceased from being taken out of the country, tighter & stiffer business regulations, massive job loss, decreace of stock value, and worse US company securites, financial assists, smuggled and sold out of the country to the highest bidder.

Our economy stand on a system of trust, petrol dollars, increased foreign conflicts, foreign investments, backed foreign credit, low interest rates, exportation of manufacturing jobs to third world countries, US company operations bought by foreign corporations, and an increase of the Federal Reserves power to create fiat currency. We can thank our present crisis just to a few factors our former leaders have committed for the so called interests of the American people. Clinton's signed done deal trade/manifesting act with China, Nixon taking us off the Gold standard in 71, America's increased role in Nation building, the creation of the FED( a central bank) in 1913, and the infamous increase of our military sector.

Movies, freedom, and free will.

You know being a big movie buff myself I could go for an action flick anytime of the day such as Indiana Jones, Die Hard, and V for Vendetta, Fight Club, Lord of War, or a John Wayne movie. But you get to thinking after a while and you say to yourself “is this a waste of my time? Young men dream of being tough guys like John Wayne, a cool businessman like Cage, a kick ass cop like McClain, or are a freedom fighter likes V. Well we won’t cause our rulers, teachers, elders, and Bureaucrats tell us where our place in life is, and how we run it, what we say, what we do, and they incite a message in our heads that says “your free to choose in OUR boundary of rules as long as you don’t choose your own set”. The thought of Uncle Sam seems fascist since were viewed as a tough man who kicks stinkers off the earth such as Hitler, Terrorists, and several other dictators who we put into power in the first place.

It’s a Broadway show with making friends in the beginning and later back stabbing them, and taking everything they have. And in order for them( US go) to have faithful followers they must have reasons and striking images of past glory to attract adventure sackers, and down on luck men who have nothing to be proud of in life. That’s where all the medals, flags, honor, big guns, and Hollywood movies come in to give the common man a sense of purpose, adventure, fame, glory, and

The New Tyrant added to historys list.

George Bush is accused of breaking the rules of the Geneva convention, the slaughter of millions of Iraqis, torturing innocent men, depriving men, women, and children of basic living necessities, along with disruption of civilized order & repressing god given rights of Iraqi citizens. His legacy will be left in the halls of the tyrants along with, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Alexander the Great, Nero, Attila the Hun, and the others who have eradicated established orders, shattered long peaceful societies, slaughtered millions in there quest for blood, power, money, and complete dominant order for their empires. Their impudence, their pride, power, riches, and lack of knowledge in all departments of government all attributed to their bitter, hard, and fast downfalls with being blinded by their power. Men’s greatness is not measured by their military might, hate, and blood lust, but by their noble, non intervention, and novel ideals of leaving there people alone to deal in their own matters. Peoples major events in their lives should not be decided by the high authority ruled by men, nor will they help you to better yourself, but only tarnish you, take from you, deprive you of every freedom you posses, and they will come like a thief in the night and take all you have away from you. Bush has shown every example of how he’s become a dictator, overstepping his rule, signing the military commissions act 2006, instituting presidential order 51 which gives him all executive branch powers, his radical statements of his so called entitlements , his interventionist foreign policy, and his violent plundering on the nations of Iraq & Afghanistan. As his reign will end with Bush the Tyrant, the next will end with the Obama the terrible, or McCain.

No matter what a man’s convections are, principles, ideals, hopes, aspirations, or plan is, it’s to dangerous to leave so much power into any one mans hands. Even the best of men can be easily corrupted by power given to them by lesser men. Anarchy & a Republic are the only means of constant prosperity, peace, love, and spread charity to all our fellow man.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

America must cut the budget!

As always as this rescission only deepens and hurts America's hard working laborer's, and people in all sectors of economic industry, the one thing American's have to think about is their general welfare. Social security, Welfare acts of the 70s, National labor unions, Medicare, and Medicaid that have drained our country wealth and deepened our debt both domestic and abroad overseas to our foreign investors. As to maintain a good booming economy we need to honor the Nelson & Bittermen act which brought gold in to back our dollar again, also making it making so state banks could have gold reserves, and people could cash in their dollars for gold. The eradication of the Federal Reserve would bring in congress to coin & issue money having it on the gold standard, plan a government budget based on gold reserves, a Tariff to protect American industry, nothing nationalized, and no privatized banking allowed what so ever. Sure Capitalism brings new horizons of how much it can benefit a nation or if it's just some sadistic mega industrialist out for their to expand wealth or even political influence in foreign countries around the world thanks to lobbying the politicians in congress. Gold & silver can keep the politicians in check when there can be only so much to spend, and there is plenty more opportunity to mine for platinum, copper, zinc, and thus have reserves for all state banks.
Privatization need's to be revised as providing good opportunity to all people you wish to either start their own business, individuals merely wishing to get a job, and not having to worry about your savings all the time since the money is strongly backed by gold & silver. As the old saying goes people save the day, cops only create crime senses.
Our entitlements from government are worthless & deceitful promises that our not sincere, and the one thing America can easily do is be charitable and let private foundations & the church take care of the poor, homeless, sick, and the weak into helping them build better life's for themselves.
Government will seduce the public into grand & good looking luxurious services that will eliminate terrible problems, but will slowly enslave into their ideals & they will make you depend upon them.
Wars are only fought for accumulating wealth, annexation of power, and money!

A median view of America.

America's description: Hollywood, constant party, big porn industry, NFL, Apple bus, Wal-Mart, Jeep, MSNBC, CNN, McDonalds, star gossip, the Enquirer, parade magazine, Time magazine, Budweiser, and brainless stupid Americans who can't even point to their country on a map. As you can see from this description Americas glory days are long dead, were on big shopping mall, and about the only political people their in this country are dumbass rednecks & hippies who have no idea what their doing. Americans are constantly comforted by the fact they will never run out of money, they'll always buy more stuff; they can buy the six packs, go work out at the gym, and go to a night club every weekend. It's by these distractions & goodies the government feeds us that their able to do as they please in the world without anybody knowing. We don't care about our past, nor politics, nor taxes imposed on us, or the wars we have to go off to fight, what matters to us is that we live in peace and we have plenty of entertainment every night so we don't worry. But thanks to an ever growing free press in the world news is getting leaked out all over the world, and many people are taken aback by it.

Of course of Conservatives & Liberals will deny such allegations and will throw their propaganda & promises (lies) in your face. And if you strike at the heart of the lion who will only make even more angry, and then your a suspicious target and possible terrorist. From there you will be made example of and seen as unpatriotic & a traitor to your country, and your against of what America stands for. It's just history repeating itself all over again. Only time & hard learning will America finally realize its dirty secrets and the mistakes it made in the past, and we might see possible retribution to repressed countries.

America's Socialist Path

The problem with the presidency is that it has been personified, molded, and been made out to be the most significant position of government governing, judicial, executive, and legislative branch spreading immense influence & pressure throughout government. Somewhere in my perceptive we see great hope fullness along with strong belief in government starting in the 1930’s, during the trying times of the Great Depression, when Herbert Hoover was immensely unpopular with the general public. The contingences that ailed the country during the time of great peril to this day is not formally or have been properly addressed to the American people, which created wandering doubt, miss belief in Wall Street, and weakened the peoples political support for elected officials of government. Who could the people blame, the government had involved us into one of the bloodiest, expensive, an expanse in military production , weaponry, and not to include the creation of the Federal Reserve which gave our monetary system entirely to business moguls who were given limitless power on their printing. Here the abomination socialism is born and is spread across Europe as a untied, strong, and under one banner pressing all into social unity striving into the future. Socialism is founded on Napoleons civil code, the creation of Germany in 1871, and is very much emphasized by the infamous Karl Marx condemning individual freedom, religion, and speech forever. Roosevelt did nothing exteordinary to pull us out of the depression, he tampered with corporations profits, manufacturing, fixed prices, nationalized industry, raised taxes for government subsides & borrowed considerable amounts from the Federal Reserve to come through with Government security programs. History will give us enormous insight on what is plaguing our nations economy, why is it expensive, the cost of running business, and why are we failing against third world over seas markets. In my true to my convictions that Roosevelt suspending the gold trade was a mistake, it took value away from people greenbacks, it was not financially stable, world war 2 gave us immense debt, and the Nelson & bitterman act wasn’t going to be enough to liquidate the central banking system.

Coming up to today’s events the view is anything can happen any time of the day, we recently faced threat of Martial Law if the bailout was not passed, Obama is calling for major American corporations to be Nationalized along with proposed invasion of Pakistan, taxed internet & phone service is in the works, the passing of the Military Commissions Act, Presidential directive order 51, we have 737 military bases established around the world not to include the missile defense systems installed around the so called Axis of evil. The seeds of long deception, distracting domestic issues, hard planning, military building, are all paying off at the expenditure of the stupidity & money of the American people.

Are social institutions benefiting minority groups, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and blacks drain our Nations wealth on senseless bureaucratic agencies that find a excuse to flush more money out of the system into their pockets. There is nothing new to be found in our profound candidates anymore, they promised the exact same policies & promises the ones before them, and they to not posses the capacity to make such radical decisions for in fear of being banned from their parties. All sense of reality, moral reasoning, proper judgment, and common sense are no longer part of American politics, it’s just the grand show that plays every 4 years, and after that were on to the next Joker.